R. Wallace Lind, Ph.D.

Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA, United States 
angiotensin-related circuitry
"R. Lind"

After postdoc became a novelist and writer.

Mean distance: 15.47 (cluster 6)
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Jhamandas JH, Lind RW, Renaud LP. (1989) Angiotensin II may mediate excitatory neurotransmission from the subfornical organ to the hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus: an anatomical and electrophysiological study in the rat. Brain Research. 487: 52-61
Lind RW. (1988) Angiotensin and the lamina terminalis: illustrations of a complex unity. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. Part a, Theory and Practice. 10: 79-105
Swanson LW, Sawchenko PE, Lind RW, et al. (1987) The CRH motoneuron: differential peptide regulation in neurons with possible synaptic, paracrine, and endocrine outputs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 512: 12-23
Lind RW. (1986) Bi-directional, chemically specified neural connections between the subfornical organ and the midbrain raphe system. Brain Research. 384: 250-61
Swanson LW, Lind RW. (1986) Neural projections subserving the initiation of a specific motivated behavior in the rat: new projections from the subfornical organ. Brain Research. 379: 399-403
Swanson LW, Sawchenko PE, Lind RW. (1986) Regulation of multiple peptides in CRF parvocellular neurosecretory neurons: implications for the stress response. Progress in Brain Research. 68: 169-90
Lind RW, Swanson LW, Sawchenko PE. (1985) Anatomical evidence that neural circuits related to the subfornical organ contain angiotensin II. Brain Research Bulletin. 15: 79-82
Lind RW, Swanson LW, Ganten D. (1985) Organization of angiotensin II immunoreactive cells and fibers in the rat central nervous system. An immunohistochemical study. Neuroendocrinology. 40: 2-24
Lind RW, Swanson LW, Bruhn TO, et al. (1985) The distribution of angiotensin II-immunoreactive cells and fibers in the paraventriculo-hypophysial system of the rat. Brain Research. 338: 81-9
Lind RW, Thunhorst RL, Johnson AK. (1984) The subfornical organ and the integration of multiple factors in thirst. Physiology & Behavior. 32: 69-74
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