Sarkis Hamalian

2016-2018 Biology California State University, Northridge, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
"Sarkis Hamalian"
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Hamalian S, Güth R, Runa F, et al. (2021) A SNAI2-PEAK1-INHBA stromal axis drives progression and lapatinib resistance in HER2-positive breast cancer by supporting subpopulations of tumor cells positive for antiapoptotic and stress signaling markers. Oncogene
Meade KJ, Sanchez F, Aguayo A, et al. (2019) Secretomes from metastatic breast cancer cells, enriched for a prognostically unfavorable LCN2 axis, induce anti-inflammatory MSC actions and a tumor-supportive premetastatic lung. Oncotarget. 10: 3027-3039
Sanchez F, Meade K, Aguayo A, et al. (2019) Abstract LB-129: Metastatic breast cancer cells promote anti-inflammatory MSC actions and release Lipocalin 2 to induce a tumor-supportive premetastatic lung microenvironment Cancer Research. 79
Hamalian S, Güth R, Zervantonakis I, et al. (2018) Abstract 2140: Mesenchymal stromal cells expressing a PEAK1/Cripto axis sustain pro-survival NF-κB signaling in adjacent tumor cells to promote disease progression and therapy resistance Cancer Research. 78: 2140-2140
Runa F, Hamalian S, Meade K, et al. (2017) Tumor microenvironment heterogeneity: challenges and opportunities. Current Molecular Biology Reports. 3: 218-229
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