Angel B. Vassilev, MD PhD DSc

Institute of Neurobiology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Sofia-city, Bulgaria 
Visual Psychophysics
"Angel Vassilev"
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Redmond T, Zlatkova MB, Vassilev A, et al. (2013) Changes in Ricco's area with background luminance in the S-cone pathway. Optometry and Vision Science : Official Publication of the American Academy of Optometry. 90: 66-74
Vassilev A, Murzac A, Zlatkova MB, et al. (2009) On the search for an appropriate metric for reaction time to suprathreshold increments and decrements. Vision Research. 49: 524-9
Zlatkova MB, Vassilev A, Anderson RS. (2008) Resolution acuity for equiluminant gratings of S-cone positive or negative contrast in human vision. Journal of Vision. 8: 9.1-10
Racheva K, Vassilev A. (2008) Sensitivity to stimulus onset and offset in the S-cone pathway. Vision Research. 48: 1125-1136
Vassilev A, Ivanov I, Zlatkova MB, et al. (2005) Human S-cone vision: relationship between perceptive field and ganglion cell dendritic field. Journal of Vision. 5: 823-33
Vassilev A, Mihaylova MS, Racheva K, et al. (2003) Spatial summation of S-cone ON and OFF signals: effects of retinal eccentricity. Vision Research. 43: 2875-84
Vassilev A. (2003) Visual reaction time to grating onset: reply to Donner and Fagerholm Vision Research. 43: 2941-2943
Vassilev A, Mihaylova M, Bonnet C. (2002) On the delay in processing high spatial frequency visual information: reaction time and VEP latency study of the effect of local intensity of stimulation. Vision Research. 42: 851-64
Zlatkova M, Vassilev A, Mitov D. (2000) Temporal characteristics of line orientation identification. Attention Perception & Psychophysics. 62: 1008-1018
Vassilev A, Zlatkova M, Manahilov V, et al. (2000) Spatial summation of blue-on-yellow light increments and decrements in human vision Vision Research. 40: 989-1000
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