Lena Haglund, M.D.

Medical Branch (Head) Education Health Services, Strängnäs, Sweden 
"Lena Haglund"
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Köhler C, Swanson LW, Haglund L, et al. (1985) The cytoarchitecture, histochemistry and projections of the tuberomammillary nucleus in the rat. Neuroscience. 16: 85-110
Haglund L, Swanson LW, Köhler C. (1984) The projection of the supramammillary nucleus to the hippocampal formation: an immunohistochemical and anterograde transport study with the lectin PHA-L in the rat. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 229: 171-85
Köhler C, Haglund L, Swanson LW. (1984) A diffuse alpha MSH-immunoreactive projection to the hippocampus and spinal cord from individual neurons in the lateral hypothalamic area and zona incerta. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 223: 501-14
Haglund L, Köhler C, Ross SB, et al. (1979) Forebrain projections of the ventral tegmentum as studied by axonal transport of [3H]dopamine in the rat. Neuroscience Letters. 12: 301-6
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