Colin Holmes

1987-1993 Neurological Sciences McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
"Colin Holmes"
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Mazziotta J, Toga A, Evans A, et al. (2001) A probabilistic atlas and reference system for the human brain: International Consortium for Brain Mapping (ICBM). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 356: 1293-322
Mazziotta J, Toga A, Evans A, et al. (2001) A four-dimensional probabilistic atlas of the human brain. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : Jamia. 8: 401-30
Schmahmann JD, Doyon J, McDonald D, et al. (1999) Three-dimensional MRI atlas of the human cerebellum in proportional stereotaxic space. Neuroimage. 10: 233-60
Schmahmann JD, Doyon J, Holmes C, et al. (1996) An MRI atlas of the human cerebellum in Talairach space Neuroimage. 3: S122
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