Jennifer L. Beaudry

Department of Psychological Sciences Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia 
"Jennifer Beaudry"
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Skalon A, Beaudry JL. (2019) The effectiveness of judicial instructions on eyewitness evidence in sensitizing jurors to suggestive identification procedures captured on video Journal of Experimental Criminology. 1-30
Mansour JK, Beaudry JL, Lindsay RCL. (2017) Are multiple-trial experiments appropriate for eyewitness identification studies? Accuracy, choosing, and confidence across trials. Behavior Research Methods
Mansour JK, Beaudry JL, Kalmet N, et al. (2016) Evaluating Lineup Fairness: Variations Across Methods and Measures. Law and Human Behavior
Beaudry JL, Lindsay RCL, Leach AM, et al. (2015) The effect of evidence type, identification accuracy, line-up presentation, and line-up administration on observers' perceptions of eyewitnesses Legal and Criminological Psychology. 20: 343-364
Mansour JK, Beaudry JL, Bertrand MI, et al. (2012) Impact of disguise on identification decisions and confidence with simultaneous and sequential lineups. Law and Human Behavior. 36: 513-26
Leach AM, Lindsay RCL, Koehler R, et al. (2009) The reliability of lie detection performance Law and Human Behavior. 33: 96-109
Lindsay RCL, Mansour JK, Beaudry JL, et al. (2009) Sequential lineup presentation: Patterns and policy Legal and Criminological Psychology. 14: 13-24
Lindsay RCL, Mansour JK, Beaudry JL, et al. (2009) Beyond sequential presentation: Misconceptions and misrepresentations of sequential lineups Legal and Criminological Psychology. 14: 31-34
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