Lea Bartsch

2018- Psychology Universität Zürich, Zürich, ZH, Switzerland 
"Lea Bartsch"
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Bartsch LM, Fukuda K, Loaiza VM, et al. (2024) The information exchange between working memory and long-term memory. Memory & Cognition
Bartsch LM, Souza AS, Oberauer K. (2024) The benefits of memory control processes in working memory: Comparing effects of self-reported and instructed strategy use. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Bartsch LM, Frischkorn GT, Shepherdson P. (2024) When Load is Low, Working Memory is Shielded From Long-Term Memory's Influence. Journal of Cognition. 7: 44
Musfeld P, Dutli J, Oberauer K, et al. (2024) Grouping in working memory guides chunk formation in long-term memory: Evidence from the Hebb effect. Cognition. 248: 105795
Bartsch LM, Musfeld P. (2023) Delayed memory for complex visual stimuli does not benefit from distraction during encoding. Memory & Cognition
Oberauer K, Bartsch LM. (2023) When Does Episodic Memory Contribute to Performance in Tests of Working Memory? Journal of Cognition. 6: 44
Jeanneret S, Bartsch LM, Vergauwe E. (2023) To be or not to be relevant: Comparing short- and long-term consequences across working memory prioritization procedures. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 1-13
Bartsch LM, Shepherdson P. (2022) Chunking, boosting, or offloading? Using serial position to investigate long-term memory's enhancement of verbal working memory performance. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Bartsch LM, Oberauer K. (2022) The contribution of episodic long-term memory to working memory for bindings. Cognition. 231: 105330
Tonnerre P, Wolski D, Subudhi S, et al. (2021) Differentiation of exhausted CD8 T cells after termination of chronic antigen stimulation stops short of achieving functional T cell memory. Nature Immunology. 22: 1030-1041
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