Giulio Casali
Affiliations: | 2013-2017 | University College London, London, United Kingdom |
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Casali G, Bush D, Jeffery K. (2019) Altered neural odometry in the vertical dimension. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Casali G, Shipley S, Dowell C, et al. (2018) Entorhinal Neurons Exhibit Cue Locking in Rodent VR. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 12: 512 |
Jacob PY, Casali G, Spieser L, et al. (2016) An independent, landmark-dominated head-direction signal in dysgranular retrosplenial cortex. Nature Neuroscience |
Jeffery KJ, Wilson JJ, Casali G, et al. (2015) Neural encoding of large-scale three-dimensional space-properties and constraints. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 927 |
Hayman RM, Casali G, Wilson JJ, et al. (2015) Grid cells on steeply sloping terrain: evidence for planar rather than volumetric encoding. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 925 |
Jeffery K, Casali G. (2014) Hippocampal neurons: simulating the spatial structure of a complex maze. Current Biology : Cb. 24: R643-R645 |
Jeffery K, Casali G. (2014) Hippocampal neurons: Simulating the spatial structure of a complex maze Current Biology. 24: R643-R645 |