Amelie Raz

Biology Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Amelie Raz"
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Nelson JO, Slicko A, Raz AA, et al. (2025) Insulin signaling regulates R2 retrotransposon expression to orchestrate transgenerational rDNA copy number maintenance. Nature Communications. 16: 399
Dwyer S, Ruth J, Seidel HE, et al. (2024) Autophagy is required for mammary tumor recurrence by promoting dormant tumor cell survival following therapy. Breast Cancer Research : Bcr. 26: 143
Nelson JO, Slicko A, Raz AA, et al. (2024) Insulin signaling regulates R2 retrotransposon expression to orchestrate transgenerational rDNA copy number maintenance. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Raz AA, Vida GS, Stern SR, et al. (2023) Emergent dynamics of adult stem cell lineages from single nucleus and single cell RNA-Seq of testes. Elife. 12
Raz AA, Yamashita YM. (2021) Stem cell niche signaling goes both ways. Developmental Cell. 56: 2267-2268
Raz AA, Yamashita YM. (2021) Molding immortality from a plastic germline. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 73: 1-8
Raz AA, Wurtzel O, Reddien PW. (2021) Planarian stem cells specify fate yet retain potency during the cell cycle. Cell Stem Cell
Raz AA, Srivastava M, Salvamoser R, et al. (2017) Acoel regeneration mechanisms indicate an ancient role for muscle in regenerative patterning. Nature Communications. 8: 1260
Bickel RD, Cleveland HC, Barkas J, et al. (2013) The pea aphid uses a version of the terminal system during oviparous, but not viviparous, development. Evodevo. 4: 10
Halpern SD, Raz A, Kohn R, et al. (2010) Regulated payments for living kidney donation: An empirical assessment of the ethical concerns Annals of Internal Medicine. 152: 358-365
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