Yossi Buskila

School of Medicine Western Sydney University 
"Yossi Buskila"
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Kékesi O, Keembiyage N, Buskila Y. (2024) Calcium Imaging in Brain Tissue Slices. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2861: 89-96
Perales-Salinas V, Purushotham SS, Buskila Y. (2024) Curcumin as a potential therapeutic agent for treating neurodegenerative diseases. Neurochemistry International. 178: 105790
Gamage R, Rossetti I, Niedermayer G, et al. (2023) Chronic neuroinflammation during aging leads to cholinergic neurodegeneration in the mouse medial septum. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 20: 235
Stevenson R, Samokhina E, Mangat A, et al. (2023) Astrocytic K clearance during disease progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Glia
Purushotham SS, Buskila Y. (2023) Astrocytic modulation of neuronal signalling. Frontiers in Network Physiology. 3: 1205544
Buskila Y, Gyengési E, Morley JW. (2021) Editorial: Neuronal Pathways Affecting Glial Function. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 15: 686796
Bellot-Saez A, Stevenson R, Kékesi O, et al. (2021) Neuromodulation of Astrocytic K Clearance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22
Kékesi O, Buskila Y. (2020) Method for Prolonged Incubation of Brain Slices. Bio-Protocol. 10: e3683
Stevenson R, Samokhina E, Rossetti I, et al. (2020) Neuromodulation of Glial Function During Neurodegeneration. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 14: 278
Buskila Y, Bellot-Saez A, Morley JW. (2019) Generating Brain Waves, the Power of Astrocytes. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 13: 1125
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