Olivier ALLUIN, PhD
Affiliations: | 2003-2008 | Institut des Sciences du Mouvement : Etienne-Jules MAREY | Aix-Marseille Université & CNRS |
Spinal cord injury, peripheral nerve injury, biomaterial, plasticityWebsite:
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Bonnet M, Alluin O, Trimaille T, et al. (2020) Delayed Injection of a Physically Cross-Linked PNIPAAm--PEG Hydrogel in Rat Contused Spinal Cord Improves Functional Recovery. Acs Omega. 5: 10247-10259 |
Alluin O, Delivet-Mongrain H, Rossignol S. (2015) Inducing hindlimb locomotor recovery in adult rat after a complete thoracic spinal cord section using repeated treadmill training with perineal stimulation only. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00416.2015 |
Rossignol S, Martinez M, Escalona M, et al. (2015) The "beneficial" effects of locomotor training after various types of spinal lesions in cats and rats. Progress in Brain Research. 218: 173-98 |
Alluin O, Delivet-Mongrain H, Gauthier MK, et al. (2014) Examination of the combined effects of chondroitinase ABC, growth factors and locomotor training following compressive spinal cord injury on neuroanatomical plasticity and kinematics. Plos One. 9: e111072 |
Alluin O, Karimi-Abdolrezaee S, Delivet-Mongrain H, et al. (2011) Kinematic study of locomotor recovery after spinal cord clip compression injury in rats. Journal of Neurotrauma. 28: 1963-81 |
Bianco J, Gueye Y, Marqueste T, et al. (2011) Vitamin D₃ improves respiratory adjustment to fatigue and H-reflex responses in paraplegic adult rats. Neuroscience. 188: 182-92 |
Rossignol S, Frigon A, Barrière G, et al. (2011) Chapter 16--spinal plasticity in the recovery of locomotion. Progress in Brain Research. 188: 229-41 |
Clément B, Trimaille T, Alluin O, et al. (2009) Convenient access to biocompatible block copolymers from SG1-based aliphatic polyester macro-alkoxyamines. Biomacromolecules. 10: 1436-45 |
Rossignol S, Barrière G, Alluin O, et al. (2009) Re-expression of locomotor function after partial spinal cord injury. Physiology (Bethesda, Md.). 24: 127-39 |
Chabas JF, Alluin O, Rao G, et al. (2009) FK506 induces changes in muscle properties and promotes metabosensitive nerve fiber regeneration. Journal of Neurotrauma. 26: 97-108 |