Rebecca McHugh

2017- CCBN University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada 
"Rebecca McHugh"
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Lee JQ, Nielsen M, McHugh R, et al. (2024) Sparsity of Population Activity in the Hippocampus Is Task-Invariant Across the Trisynaptic Circuit and Dorsoventral Axis. Hippocampus. 35: e23651
Lee JQ, McHugh R, Morgan E, et al. (2022) Behaviour-driven Arc expression is greater in dorsal than ventral CA1 regardless of task or sex differences. Behavioural Brain Research. 423: 113790
Lee JQ, Demchuk AM, Morgan E, et al. (2019) Place navigation in the Morris water task results in greater nuclear Arc mRNA expression in dorsal compared to ventral CA1. Hippocampus
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