Sign in to add mentorPeter Thomas | grad student | UT Austin/Marine Biological Lab (Cell Biology Tree) | |
John C. Wingfield | post-doc | University of Washington |
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Sperry TS, Wacker DW, Wingfield JC. (2010) The role of androgen receptors in regulating territorial aggression in male song sparrows. Hormones and Behavior. 57: 86-95 |
Busch DS, Sperry TS, Wingfield JC, et al. (2009) Corrigendum to "Effects of repeated, acute corticosterone administration on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis of the white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii)" [Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 158 (2008) 211-223] (DOI:10.1016/j.ygcen.2008.06.004) General and Comparative Endocrinology. 161: 293 |
Hodgson ZG, Meddle SL, Christians JK, et al. (2008) Influence of sex steroid hormones on spatial memory in a songbird. Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 194: 963-9 |
Busch DS, Sperry TS, Peterson E, et al. (2008) Impacts of frequent, acute pulses of corticosterone on condition and behavior of Gambel's white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 158: 224-33 |
Busch DS, Sperry TS, Wingfield JC, et al. (2008) Effects of repeated, short-term, corticosterone administration on the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis of the white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 158: 211-23 |
Lynn SE, Egar JM, Walker BG, et al. (2007) Fish on Prozac: a simple, noninvasive physiology laboratory investigating the mechanisms of aggressive behavior in Betta splendens. Advances in Physiology Education. 31: 358-63 |
Sperry TS, Moore IT, Meddle SL, et al. (2005) Increased sensitivity of the serotonergic system during the breeding season in free-living American tree sparrows. Behavioural Brain Research. 157: 119-26 |
Wingfield JC, Moore IT, Goymann W, et al. (2005) Contexts and Ethology of Vertebrate Aggression: Implications for the Evolution of Hormone-Behavior Interactions Biology of Aggression |
Breuner CW, Orchinik M, Hahn TP, et al. (2003) Differential mechanisms for regulation of the stress response across latitudinal gradients. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 285: R594-600 |
Sperry TS, Thompson CK, Wingfield JC. (2003) Effects of acute treatment with 8-OH-DPAT and fluoxetine on aggressive behaviour in male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia morphna). Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 15: 150-60 |