Jakob Renhorn

2011-2018 Department of Clinical and Experimental medicine Linköping University, Linköping, Östergötlands län, Sweden 
"Jakob Renhorn"
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Conti L, Renhorn J, Gabrielsson A, et al. (2016) Reciprocal voltage sensor-to-pore coupling leads to potassium channel C-type inactivation. Scientific Reports. 6: 27562
Conti L, Renhorn J, Gabrielsson A, et al. (2016) A Reciprocal Voltage Sensor-To-Pore Coupling in C-Type Inactivation Biophysical Journal. 110: 104a
Renhorn J, Conti L, Elinder F. (2016) Exploration of the Last, Channel Opening Transition of the Voltage Sensor S4 in a Potassium Channel Biophysical Journal. 110
Renhorn J, Elinder F. (2013) Tracking S4 Movements by Metal-Ion Bridges Biophysical Journal. 104
Henrion U, Renhorn J, Börjesson SI, et al. (2012) Tracking a complete voltage-sensor cycle with metal-ion bridges. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109: 8552-7
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