Hiroshi Shimazu, M.D., Ph.D.
Affiliations: | The University of Tokyo, Bunkyō-ku, Tōkyō-to, Japan |
Vestibulo-oculomotor systemGoogle:
"Hiroshi Shimazu"Bio:
Dr. Shimazu discovered neuronal circuits and mechanisms that control vestibulo-ocular reflex.
Mean distance: 14.83 (cluster 29)
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Iwamoto Y, Kaneko H, Yoshida K, et al. (2009) Role of glycinergic inhibition in shaping activity of saccadic burst neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 101: 3063-74 |
Kanda T, Iwamoto Y, Yoshida K, et al. (2007) Glycinergic inputs cause the pause of pontine omnipause neurons during saccades. Neuroscience Letters. 413: 16-20 |
Yoshida K, Iwamoto Y, Chimoto S, et al. (1999) Saccade-related inhibitory input to pontine omnipause neurons: an intracellular study in alert cats. Journal of Neurophysiology. 82: 1198-208 |
Chimoto S, Iwamoto Y, Shimazu H, et al. (1996) Functional connectivity of the superior colliculus with saccade-related brain stem neurons in the cat. Progress in Brain Research. 112: 157-65 |
Chimoto S, Iwamoto Y, Shimazu H, et al. (1996) Monosynaptic activation of medium-lead burst neurons from the superior colliculus in the alert cat. Journal of Neurophysiology. 75: 2658-61 |
Kamogawa H, Ohki Y, Shimazu H, et al. (1996) Inhibitory input to pause neurons from pontine burst neuron area in the cat. Neuroscience Letters. 203: 163-6 |
Yoshida K, Chimoto S, Iwamoto Y, et al. (1996) 1604 Synaptic events in omnipause neurons during saccades in connection with the superior colliculus in alert cats Neuroscience Research. 25: S171 |
Kitama T, Ohki Y, Shimazu H, et al. (1995) Site of interaction between saccade signals and vestibular signals induced by head rotation in the alert cat: functional properties and afferent organization of burster-driving neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 74: 273-87 |
Kitama T, Shimazu H, Tanaka M, et al. (1991) Responses of burster-driving neurons to visual and superior colliculus stimulations in the alert cat Neuroscience Research Supplements. 16: 112 |
Kitama T, Ohki Y, Shimazu H, et al. (1990) Firing characteristics of burster-driving neurons in the alert cat Neuroscience Research Supplements. 11: S66 |