Stefano Taverna, Ph.D.

Neuroscience and Brain Technologies Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia 
Basal Ganglia
"Stefano Taverna"
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Butti E, Cattaneo S, Bacigaluppi M, et al. (2022) Neural precursor cells tune striatal connectivity through the release of IGFBPL1. Nature Communications. 13: 7579
Santambrogio P, Ripamonti M, Cozzi A, et al. (2022) Massive iron accumulation in PKAN-derived neurons and astrocytes: light on the human pathological phenotype. Cell Death & Disease. 13: 185
Cattaneo S, Regoni M, Sassone J, et al. (2021) Cell-attached and Whole-cell Patch-clamp Recordings of Dopamine Neurons in the Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta of Mouse Brain Slices. Bio-Protocol. 11: e4109
Regoni M, Cattaneo S, Mercatelli D, et al. (2020) Pharmacological antagonism of kainate receptor rescues dysfunction and loss of dopamine neurons in a mouse model of human parkin-induced toxicity. Cell Death & Disease. 11: 963
Santambrogio P, Ripamonti M, Paolizzi C, et al. (2020) Harmful Iron-Calcium Relationship in Pantothenate kinase Associated Neurodegeneration. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21
Cozzi A, Orellana DI, Santambrogio P, et al. (2019) Stem Cell Modeling of Neuroferritinopathy Reveals Iron as a Determinant of Senescence and Ferroptosis during Neuronal Aging. Stem Cell Reports
Sessa A, Fagnocchi L, Mastrototaro G, et al. (2019) SETD5 Regulates Chromatin Methylation State and Preserves Global Transcriptional Fidelity during Brain Development and Neuronal Wiring. Neuron
Mazzocchi N, Grohovaz F, Taverna S, et al. (2019) Membrane potential changes occurring upon acidification influence the binding of small-molecule inhibitors to ASIC1a. Neuropharmacology. 148: 366-376
Russo I, Gavello D, Menna E, et al. (2017) p140Cap Regulates GABAergic Synaptogenesis and Development of Hippocampal Inhibitory Circuits. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 1-15
Guarnieri FC, Bellani S, Yekhlef L, et al. (2017) Synapsin I deletion reduces neuronal damage and ameliorates clinical progression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
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