Marta Nieto

Centro Nacional de Biotecnología CNB-CSIC 
cerebral cortex, neurodevelopment
"Marta Nieto"
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Aguilera A, Nieto M. (2024) A perfect recipe for a corticospinal neuron. Elife. 13
Bragg-Gonzalo L, Aguilera A, González-Arias C, et al. (2024) Early cortical GABAergic interneurons determine the projection patterns of L4 excitatory neurons. Science Advances. 10: eadj9911
Martín-Fernández F, Bermejo-Santos A, Bragg-Gonzalo L, et al. (2022) Role of Nrp1 in controlling cortical inter-hemispheric circuits. Elife. 11
Bragg-Gonzalo L, De León Reyes NS, Nieto M. (2021) Genetic and activity dependent-mechanisms wiring the cortex: Two sides of the same coin. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology
De León Reyes NS, Mederos S, Varela I, et al. (2019) Transient callosal projections of L4 neurons are eliminated for the acquisition of local connectivity. Nature Communications. 10: 4549
Velona T, Altounian M, Roque M, et al. (2019) PlexinD1 and Sema3E determine laminar positioning of heterotopically projecting callosal neurons. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. 103397
Weiss LA, Nieto M. (2018) The crux of Cux genes in neuronal function and plasticity. Brain Research
Guil ÁFN, Oksdath M, Weiss LA, et al. (2017) IGF-1 receptor regulates dynamic changes in neuronal polarity during cerebral cortical migration. Scientific Reports. 7: 7703
Briz CG, Navarrete M, Esteban JA, et al. (2017) In Utero Electroporation Approaches to Study the Excitability of Neuronal Subpopulations and Single-cell Connectivity. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove
Wang CF, Hsing HW, Zhuang ZH, et al. (2017) Lhx2 Expression in Postmitotic Cortical Neurons Initiates Assembly of the Thalamocortical Somatosensory Circuit. Cell Reports. 18: 849-856
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