Catherine Olivier, PhD

2006-2013 Faculty of Medicine Université de Montréal, Montreal 
 2013-2019 Fonds de recherche du Quebec 
 2019- INESSS 
research ethics, responsible conduct of research
"Catherine Olivier"
Cross-listing: Bioethics Tree

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Racine E, Ji S, Badro V, et al. (2024) Living ethics: a stance and its implications in health ethics. Medicine, Health Care, and Philosophy
Racine E, D'Anjou B, Dallaire C, et al. (2023) Developing a living lab in ethics: Initial issues and observations. Bioethics
Durocher E, Chung R, Rochon C, et al. (2017) Ethical questions identified in a study of local and expatriate responders' perspectives of vulnerability in the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Journal of Medical Ethics
Olivier C, Hunt MR, Ridde V. (2016) NGO–researcher partnerships in global health research: benefits, challenges, and approaches that promote success Development in Practice. 26: 444-455
Olivier C, Williams-Jones B. (2014) Global pharmacogenomics: where is the research taking us? Global Public Health. 9: 312-24
Williams-Jones B, Olivier C, Smith E. (2014) Governing 'dual-use' research in Canada: A policy review Science and Public Policy. 41: 76-93
Olivier C, Williams-Jones B. (2011) Pharmacogenomic technologies: a necessary "luxury" for better global public health? Globalization and Health. 7: 30
Olivier C, Williams-Jones B, Doizé B, et al. (2010) Containing global antibiotic resistance: Ethical drug promotion in the developing world Antimicrobial Resistance in Developing Countries. 505-524
Olivier C, Williams-Jones B, Godard B, et al. (2008) Personalized medicine, bioethics and social responsibilities: Re-thinking the pharmaceutical industry to remedy inequities in patient care and international health Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine. 6: 108-120
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