Jean-François Daneault
Affiliations: | McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada |
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James-Palmer AM, Daneault JF. (2022) Tele-yoga for the management of Parkinson disease: A safety and feasibility trial. Digital Health. 8: 20552076221119327 |
Liu Y, Oubre B, Duval C, et al. (2022) A Kinematic Data-Driven Approach to Differentiate Involuntary Choreic Movements in Individuals with Neurological Conditions. Ieee Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering |
Sieberts SK, Schaff J, Duda M, et al. (2021) Crowdsourcing digital health measures to predict Parkinson's disease severity: the Parkinson's Disease Digital Biomarker DREAM Challenge. Npj Digital Medicine. 4: 53 |
Vergara-Diaz G, Daneault JF, Parisi F, et al. (2021) Limb and trunk accelerometer data collected with wearable sensors from subjects with Parkinson's disease. Scientific Data. 8: 47 |
Daneault JF, Vergara-Diaz G, Parisi F, et al. (2021) Accelerometer data collected with a minimum set of wearable sensors from subjects with Parkinson's disease. Scientific Data. 8: 48 |
Erb MK, Karlin DR, Ho BK, et al. (2020) mHealth and wearable technology should replace motor diaries to track motor fluctuations in Parkinson's disease. Npj Digital Medicine. 3: 6 |
Lauzé M, Daneault JF, Duval C. (2016) The Effects of Physical Activity in Parkinson's Disease: A Review. Journal of Parkinson's Disease |
Daneault JF, Carignan B, Sadikot AF, et al. (2016) Subthalamic deep brain stimulation and dopaminergic medication in Parkinson's disease: Impact on inter-limb coupling. Neuroscience |
Espay AJ, Bonato P, Nahab FB, et al. (2016) Technology in Parkinson's disease: Challenges and opportunities. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society |
Duval C, Daneault JF, Hutchison WD, et al. (2015) A brain network model explaining tremor in Parkinson's disease. Neurobiology of Disease. 85: 49-59 |