Phillip N. Smith
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, United States |
"Phillip Smith"Parents
Sign in to add mentorKelly Cuckrowicz | grad student | Texas Tech | |
Kim Van Orden | post-doc | Rochester (Neurotree) |
Sign in to add traineeCandace Selwyn | grad student | 2013- | |
Stephanie Granato | grad student | 2014- | |
Shane Kuhlman | grad student | 2015- | University of South Alabama |
Shannon Boone | grad student | 2016- | University of South Alabama |
Laura Marie | grad student | 2016- | University of South Alabama |
Nicholas Fadoir | grad student | 2017- | University of South Alabama |
Natasha Basu | grad student | 2018- | University of South Alabama |
Karin E. Hendricks | grad student | 2020- | University of South Alabama (Neurotree) |
Caitlin Wolford-Clevenger | grad student | 2011-2013 | |
Kaitlyn R. Schuler | grad student | 2018-2023 | University of South Alabama |
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Mehari KR, Morgan S, Stevens LT, et al. (2024) Mixed methods evaluation of a jail diversion program: Impact on arrests and functioning. Journal of Community Psychology |
Basu N, Barinas J, Williams K, et al. (2023) Understanding nurse suicide using an ideation-to-action framework: An integrative review. Journal of Advanced Nursing |
Currier JM, McDermott RC, Fernandez P, et al. (2023) Examining the outcomes and acceptability of a peer-led spiritual intervention for moral injury in a veteran service organization. Psychological Services |
Silva C, Smith PN, Rogers M, et al. (2023) Clinically Significant Scores for Thwarted Belonging and Perceived Burden from the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ-15). Crisis |
Schuler KR, Baer MM, McDermott RC, et al. (2022) A Psychometric Pilot Study Examining the Functions of Suicidal Communications Using IRT and Factor Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19 |
Fadoir NA, Marie L, Basu N, et al. (2021) Exploring interpersonal theory of suicide typologies in patients with cancer: A latent profile analysis. Death Studies. 1-10 |
Boone S, Schuler KR, Basu N, et al. (2021) College extracurricular involvement as a suicide prevention and wellness promotion strategy: Exploring the roles of social support and meaning. Journal of American College Health : J of Ach. 1-18 |
Schuler KR, Smith PN, Rufino KA, et al. (2020) Examining the temporal stability of suicide capability among undergraduates: A latent growth analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders. 282: 587-593 |
Smith PN, Kuhlman S, Wolford-Clevenger C. (2020) Examining the interpersonal theory of suicide in acutely suicidal psychiatric inpatients. Death Studies. 1-7 |
Marie L, Poindexter EK, Fadoir NA, et al. (2020) Understanding the Transition from Suicidal Desire to Planning and Preparation: Correlates of Suicide Risk within a Psychiatric Inpatient Sample of Ideators and Attempters. Journal of Affective Disorders. 274: 159-166 |