Tetsuo Okada

1988-1989 Chemistry Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 
"Tetsuo Okada"
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Purnendu K. Dasgupta research scientist 1988-1989 Texas Tech
 (Then a beginning faculty at a small Japanese University)
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Okada T, Dasgupta PK, Qi D. (1989) Identification of ions in anion chromatography by stopped flow chronoamperometry Analytical Chemistry. 61: 1387-1392
Qi D, Okada T, Dasgupta PK. (1989) Direct current conductivity detection in ion chromatography Analytical Chemistry. 61: 1383-1387
Okada T, Dasgupta PK. (1989) Selective detection approach to ion exclusion chromatography Analytical Chemistry. 61: 548-554
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