Zeliha Tunca

Dokuz Eylul University, İzmir, Turkey 
"Zeliha Tunca"
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Baykara B, Koc D, Resmi H, et al. (2020) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor in bipolar disorder: Associations with age at onset and illness duration. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 110075
Ceylan D, Akdede BB, Bora E, et al. (2020) Neurocognitive functioning during symptomatic states and remission in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: A comparative study. Psychiatry Research. 292: 113292
Yalin N, Saricicek A, Hidiroglu C, et al. (2019) Cortical thickness and surface area as an endophenotype in bipolar disorder type I patients and their first-degree relatives. Neuroimage. Clinical. 22: 101695
Ceylan D, Tuna G, Kirkali G, et al. (2018) Oxidatively-induced DNA damage and base excision repair in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder. Dna Repair. 65: 64-72
Ceylan D, Akdede BB, Bora E, et al. (2018) S81. Neurocognitive Functioning In Schizophrenia And Bipolar Disorder During The Remission And The Psychotic States Schizophrenia Bulletin. 44
Ceylan D, Scola G, Tunca Z, et al. (2017) DNA redox modulations and global DNA methylation in bipolar disorder: Effects of sex, smoking and illness state. Psychiatry Research. 261: 589-596
Safari R, Tunca Z, Özerdem A, et al. (2017) Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor gene polymorpisms affect severity and functionality of bipolar disorder. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience. 16: 471-481
Ceylan D, Akdede BB, Bora E, et al. (2017) Neurocognitive functions in remission vs. psychotic states: a comparative study between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia European Neuropsychopharmacology. 27
Ceylan D, Scola G, Tunca Z, et al. (2017) DNA redox modulations and global DNA methylation in bipolar disorder: effects of sex and illness state European Neuropsychopharmacology. 27
Sarıçiçek A, Zorlu N, Yalın N, et al. (2016) Abnormal white matter integrity as a structural endophenotype for bipolar disorder. Psychological Medicine. 46: 1547-58
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