Sophie Tambour

2007-2008 Cognitive Sciences University of Liège, Liège, Wallonie, Belgium 
"Sophie Tambour"
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Brabant C, Tambour S, Quertemont E, et al. (2011) Do excitatory and inhibitory conditioning processes underlie psychomotor sensitization to amphetamine? An analysis using simple and multiple regressions. Behavioural Brain Research. 221: 227-36
Tambour S, Brown LL, Crabbe JC. (2008) Gender and age at drinking onset affect voluntary alcohol consumption but neither the alcohol deprivation effect nor the response to stress in mice. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 32: 2100-6
Tambour S, Closon C, Tirelli E, et al. (2007) Effects of cyanamide and acetaldehyde accumulation on the locomotor stimulant and sedative effects of ethanol in mice. Behavioural Pharmacology. 18: 777-84
Tambour S, Quertemont E. (2007) Preclinical and clinical pharmacology of alcohol dependence. Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology. 21: 9-28
Tambour S, Didone V, Tirelli E, et al. (2006) Locomotor effects of ethanol and acetaldehyde after peripheral and intraventricular injections in Swiss and C57BL/6J mice. Behavioural Brain Research. 172: 145-54
Tambour S, Didone V, Tirelli E, et al. (2005) Dissociation between the locomotor and anxiolytic effects of acetaldehyde in the elevated plus-maze: evidence that acetaldehyde is not involved in the anxiolytic effects of ethanol in mice. European Neuropsychopharmacology : the Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 15: 655-62
Quertemont E, Tambour S, Tirelli E. (2005) The role of acetaldehyde in the neurobehavioral effects of ethanol: a comprehensive review of animal studies. Progress in Neurobiology. 75: 247-74
Quertemont E, Grant KA, Correa M, et al. (2005) The role of acetaldehyde in the central effects of ethanol. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 29: 221-34
Tambour S, Didone V, Quertemont E, et al. (2005) Effects of centrally versus peripherally administered ethanol in C57BL/6J and CD1 mice Behavioural Pharmacology. 16
Quertemont E, Tambour S, Bernaerts P, et al. (2004) Behavioral characterization of acetaldehyde in C57BL/6J mice: locomotor, hypnotic, anxiolytic and amnesic effects. Psychopharmacology. 177: 84-92
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