Johan Westö

Aalto University, Espoo, Finland 
Computational neuroscience
"Johan Westö"
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Patrick May grad student 2014-2018 Aalto University
Mikko Sams grad student 2014-2018 Aalto University
Hannu Tiitinen grad student 2014-2018 Aalto University
Petri Ala-Laurila post-doc 2018- Aalto University
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Kilpeläinen M, Westö J, Tiihonen J, et al. (2024) Primate retina trades single-photon detection for high-fidelity contrast encoding. Nature Communications. 15: 4501
Westö J, Martyniuk N, Koskela S, et al. (2022) Retinal OFF ganglion cells allow detection of quantal shadows at starlight. Current Biology : Cb
Westö J, Ala-Laurila P. (2020) Seeing Beyond Violet: UV Cones Guide High-Resolution Prey-Capture Behavior in Fish. Neuron. 107: 207-209
Smeds L, Takeshita D, Turunen T, et al. (2019) Paradoxical Rules of Spike Train Decoding Revealed at the Sensitivity Limit of Vision. Neuron
Westö J, May PJC. (2018) Describing complex cells in primary visual cortex: a comparison of context and multifilter LN models. Journal of Neurophysiology. 120: 703-719
Westö J, May PJ. (2016) Capturing contextual effects in spectro-temporal receptive fields. Hearing Research. 339: 195-210
Westö J, May PJ, Tiitinen H. (2015) Memory Stacking in Hierarchical Networks. Neural Computation. 1-27
May PJ, Westö J, Tiitinen H. (2015) Computational modelling suggests that temporal integration results from synaptic adaptation in auditory cortex. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 41: 615-30
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