Julia R. Gefter
Affiliations: | 2012 | Department of Psychology | Suffolk University, Boston, MA, United States |
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Valentine SE, Gefter JR, Bankoff SM, et al. (2017) A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Feminist Beliefs and Feminist Identity Development Among College Women Survivors of Gender-Based Violence Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 26: 772-791 |
Gefter JR, Rood BA, Valentine SE, et al. (2015) Why does it happen? Explanations for men’s violence against women by women with interpersonal victimization histories Journal of Gender Studies |
Gefter JR, Bankoff SM, Valentine SE, et al. (2013) Feminist Beliefs Associated with Young Women's Recovery from Male-Perpetrated Abuse Women and Therapy. 36: 332-355 |
Bursik K, Gefter J. (2011) Still stable after all these years: perceptions of sexual harassment in academic contexts. The Journal of Social Psychology. 151: 331-49 |