Carolyn Legge

biomedical sciences University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada 
"Carolyn Legge"
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Saleh TM, Connell BJ, Legge C, et al. (2005) Estrogen synthesis in the central nucleus of the amygdala following middle cerebral artery occlusion: role in modulating neurotransmission. Neuroscience. 135: 1141-53
Saleh TM, Connell BJ, Legge C, et al. (2004) Stroke-induced changes in estrogen release and neuronal activity in the parabrachial nucleus of the male rat. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases : the Official Journal of National Stroke Association. 13: 24-34
Saleh TM, Connell BJ, Legge C, et al. (2004) Estrogen attenuates neuronal excitability in the insular cortex following middle cerebral artery occlusion. Brain Research. 1018: 119-29
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