Tom Loeys, PhD

2009- Psychology and Educational Sciences, Data Analysis Ghent University, Ghent, Vlaanderen, Belgium 
Statistics, Psychology, Causal inference, Mediation analysis, Multilevel modeling, Modeling dyadic data and relationship dynamics
"Tom Loeys"
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Els Goetghebeur grad student Grent University
 (PhD 2002 "Causal inference with right censored survival data from randomized clinical trials: Source:
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Gistelinck F, Loeys T, Flamant N. (2020) Multilevel Autoregressive Models when the Number of Time Points is Small Structural Equation Modeling: a Multidisciplinary Journal. 28: 15-27
Gunst E, Watson J, Willemsen J, et al. (2019) A quest for self-soothing: A systematic case study into emotion-focused therapy with an emotionally avoidant client who committed sexual offenses. Journal of Clinical Psychology
Loh WW, Moerkerke B, Loeys T, et al. (2019) Estimation of Controlled Direct Effects in Longitudinal Mediation Analyses with Latent Variables in Randomized Studies. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 1-23
Gunst E, Willemsen J, Desmet M, et al. (2019) Into the Wild, Out of the Woods: A Systematic Case Study on Facilitating Emotional Change. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 306624X19866977
Hennissen VC, Meganck R, Van Nieuwenhove K, et al. (2019) Therapists' responses toward dependent (anaclitic) and self-critical (introjective) depressed outpatients: A multilevel approach. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.). 56: 193-204
Talloen W, Loeys T, Moerkerke B. (2019) A bootstrap version of the Hausman test to assess the impact of cluster-level endogeneity beyond the random intercept model. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 54: 1-14
Loncke J, Eichelsheim VI, Branje SJT, et al. (2018) Factor Score Regression With Social Relations Model Components: A Case Study Exploring Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Support in Families. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 1699
Ji L, Chen W, Loeys T, et al. (2018) Ensemble representation for multiple facial expressions: Evidence for a capacity limited perceptual process. Journal of Vision. 18: 17
Steen J, Loeys T, Moerkerke B, et al. (2017) Flexible Mediation Analysis With Multiple Mediators. American Journal of Epidemiology. 186: 184-193
Vandenberghe S, Vansteelandt S, Loeys T. (2017) Boosting the precision of mediation analyses of randomised experiments through covariate adjustment. Statistics in Medicine. 36: 939-957
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