Zeynep Ecem Piyale
Affiliations: | 2015- | Psychology | Istanbul University, İstanbul, Turkey |
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Bagci SC, Stathi S, Vezzali L, et al. (2021) I (dis)like the way you (dis)like them: The role of extended contact on social distance and attitudes towards the ingroup. The British Journal of Social Psychology. 60: 95-120 |
Sunar D, Cesur S, Piyale ZE, et al. (2020) People respond with different moral emotions to violations in different relational models: A cross-cultural comparison. Emotion (Washington, D.C.) |
Bagci SC, Stathi S, Piyale ZE. (2019) Imagined contact facilitates acculturation, Sometimes: Contradicting evidence from two sociocultural contexts. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology. 25: 539-552 |
Bagci SC, Stathi S, Piyale ZE. (2019) When imagining intergroup contact mobilizes collective action: The perspective of disadvantaged and advantaged groups International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 69: 32-43 |
Bagci SC, Piyale ZE, Ebcim E. (2018) Imagined contact in high conflict settings: The role of ethnic group identification and the perspective of minority group members Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 48: 3-14 |
Yalçındağ B, Özkan T, Cesur S, et al. (2017) An investigation of moral foundations theory in Turkey using different measures Current Psychology. 1–18 |
Tepe B, Piyale ZE, Sirin S, et al. (2016) Moral decision-making among young muslim adults on harmless taboo violations: The effects of gender, religiosity, and political affiliation Personality and Individual Differences. 101: 243-248 |