Makaela Nartker

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
"Makaela Nartker"
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James Thames Todd research assistant 2014-2017 Ohio State
Julie D. Golomb research assistant 2016-2017 Ohio State
Jeremy M. Wolfe research assistant 2017-2019 Brigham & Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Chaz Firestone grad student 2019- Johns Hopkins
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Gronau N, Nartker M, Yakim S, et al. (2024) Categorically distinct subsets allow flexible memory selection in hybrid search. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Nartker M, Firestone C, Egeth H, et al. (2023) Six ways of failing to see (and why the differences matter). I-Perception. 14: 20416695231198762
Nartker M, Zhou Z, Firestone C. (2023) When will AI misclassify? Intuiting failures on natural images. Journal of Vision. 23: 4
Lyu W, Levari DE, Nartker MS, et al. (2021) Feedback moderates the effect of prevalence on perceptual decisions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Nartker MS, Alaoui-Soce A, Wolfe JM. (2020) Visual search errors are persistent in a laboratory analog of the incidental finding problem. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 5: 32
Wu C, Kumle L, Nartker M, et al. (2020) What you don’t see can help you: Image triage in human-AI interactions Journal of Vision. 20: 519
Gil-Gómez de Liaño B, Nartker M, Pérez-Hernández E, et al. (2020) Grandma, didn’t you see that gorilla? Age effects in inattentional blindness during a hybrid foraging game Journal of Vision. 20: 448
Zhou Z, Nartker M, Firestone C. (2020) When will AI misclassify? Human intuition for machine (mis)perception Journal of Vision. 20: 1325
Nartker M, Lepori M, Firestone C. (2020) Which “shoe” is best? Humans know what good training examples look like Journal of Vision. 20: 1318
Nartker MS, Wolfe JM. (2019) From the clinic to the lab and back: Fixing the problem of missed “incidental findings” Journal of Vision. 19: 313
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