Luis M Rato

University of Evora 
Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Control Systems
"Luis Rato"
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Lemos JM, Pinto LF, Rato LM, et al. (2013) Multivariable and Distributed LQG Control of a Water Delivery Canal Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-Asce. 139: 855-863
Duarte JMC, Rato L, Shirley P, et al. (2011) Multi-Platform Controller Interface for SCADA Application Ifac Proceedings Volumes. 44: 7885-7890
Lemos JM, Machado F, Nogueira N, et al. (2009) Adaptive And Non-Adaptive Model Predictive Control Of An Irrigation Channel Networks and Heterogeneous Media. 4: 303-324
Silva RN, Lemos JM, Rato LM. (2003) Variable sampling adaptive control of a distributed collector solar field Ieee Transactions On Control Systems and Technology. 11: 765-772
Silva RN, Rato LM, Lemos JM. (2003) Time scaling internal state predictive control of a solar plant Control Engineering Practice. 11: 1459-1467
Silva RN, Rato LM, Lemos JM. (2002) Observer Based Nonuniform Sampling Predictive Controller For A Solar Plant Ifac Proceedings Volumes. 35: 233-238
Silva RN, Rato LM, Lemos JM, et al. (1997) Cascade control of a distributed collector solar field Journal of Process Control. 7: 111-117
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