Richard Pringle
Affiliations: | Faculty of Education | Monash University, Caulfield East, Victoria, Australia |
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Sign in to add mentorJim Denison | grad student | Monash University (Australia) | |
Bevan Grant | grad student | University of Waikato (New Zealand) | |
Pirkko Markula | grad student | University of Alberta |
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Liu L, Pringle R. (2020) Mid-life Chinese women’s understandings of sporting pain and injury: A non-Western cultural analysis via the Confucian concept of ‘ren’: International Review For the Sociology of Sport. 101269022090638 |
Pringle R. (2020) No Slam Dunk: Gender, Sport, and the Unevenness of Social Change Sociology of Sport Journal. 37: 68-69 |
Pringle R, Falcous M. (2018) Transformative research and epistemological hierarchies: Ruminating on how the sociology of the sport field could make more of a difference International Review For the Sociology of Sport. 53: 261-277 |
Gerdin G, Pringle R. (2017) The politics of pleasure: an ethnographic examination exploring the dominance of the multi-activity sport-based physical education model Sport Education and Society. 22: 194-213 |
Pringle R, Landi D. (2017) Re-reading Deleuze and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus Annals of Leisure Research. 20: 117-122 |
Denison J, Pringle R, Cassidy T, et al. (2015) Informing Coaches’ Practices: Toward an Application of Foucault’s Ethics International Sport Coaching Journal. 2: 72-76 |
Cox BD, Pringle R. (2015) Muscles for motherhood: A genealogical analysis of medicalized ways of knowing female footballers in New Zealand, 1921 and 1973-1975 International Journal of the History of Sport. 32: 2135-2149 |
Cox B, Pringle R. (2012) Gaining a foothold in football: A genealogical analysis of the emergence of the female footballer in New Zealand International Review For the Sociology of Sport. 47: 217-234 |
Pringle R. (2012) Debunking Olympic sized myths: government investment in Olympism in the context of terror and the risk society Educational Review. 64: 303-316 |
Pringle R. (2009) Defamiliarizing Heavy-Contact Sports: A Critical Examination of Rugby, Discipline, and Pleasure Sociology of Sport Journal. 26: 211-234 |