Alexandra M Martelli, Ph.D.

2015-2020 Department of Psychology Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, United States 
 2020-2021 Clinical NeuroImaging Research Core NIH-NIAAA 
 2021- Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) 
"Alexandra Martelli"
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David S. Chester grad student 2016-2020 VCU
BETA: Related publications


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Brown WT, Martelli AM, Chester DS. (2023) Interactive effects of mindfulness and negative urgency on intimate partner aggression perpetration. Aggressive Behavior
Rahrig H, Ma L, Brown KW, et al. (2023) Inside the mindful moment: The effects of brief mindfulness practice on large-scale network organization and intimate partner aggression. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience
Chester DS, Martelli AM, West SJ, et al. (2021) Neural mechanisms of intimate partner aggression. Biological Psychology. 165: 108195
Lasko EN, Chester DS, Martelli AM, et al. (2019) An investigation of the relationship between psychopathy and greater gray matter density in lateral prefrontal cortex. Personality Neuroscience. 2: e7
Quaglia JT, Zeidan F, Grossenbacher PG, et al. (2019) Brief mindfulness training enhances cognitive control in socioemotional contexts: Behavioral and neural evidence. Plos One. 14: e0219862
Martelli AM, Chester DS, Warren Brown K, et al. (2018) When Less is More: Mindfulness Predicts Adaptive Affective Responding to Rejection via Reduced Prefrontal Recruitment. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
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