Mark P. Haggard
Affiliations: | University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom |
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Filipović SA, Haggard MP, Spencer H, et al. (2018) Contrasting Effects of Pressure Compensation on TEOAE and DPOAE in Children With Negative Middle Ear Pressure. Trends in Hearing. 22: 2331216518812251 |
Milovanovic J, Filipovic SA, Marchisio P, et al. (2016) Precision-scored parental report questions and HL-scaled tympanometry as informative measures of hearing in otitis media 1: Large-sample evidence on determinants and complementarity to pure-tone audiometry. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 83: 113-31 |
Lok W, Anteunis LJ, Chenault MN, et al. (2012) Screening for hearing loss versus parental concern regarding hearing problems: Subsequent referral and treatment for otitis media in the Netherlands. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. 30: 163-8 |
Lok W, Anteunis LJ, Meesters C, et al. (2012) Risk factors for failing the hearing screen due to otitis media in Dutch infants. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology : Official Journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (Eufos) : Affiliated With the German Society For Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. 269: 2485-96 |
Haggard M. (2009) Air-conduction estimated from tympanometry (ACET): 2. The use of hearing level-ACET discrepancy (HAD) to determine appropriate use of bone-conduction tests in identifying permanent and mixed impairments. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 73: 43-55 |
Haggard M. (2008) Insertion of ventilation (tympanostomy) tubes for otitis media with effusion. Bmj. 337 |
Haggard M. (2006) Does surgical treatment improve behaviour in OME Clinical Otolaryngology. 31: 248-248 |
Rovers M, Black N, Browning G, et al. (2005) Grommets in otitis media with effusion: an individual patient data meta-analysis Archives of Disease in Childhood. 90: 480-485 |
Hall DA, Johnsrude IS, Haggard MP, et al. (2002) Spectral and temporal processing in human auditory cortex. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 12: 140-9 |
Gonçalves MS, Hall DA, Johnsrude IS, et al. (2001) Can meaningful effective connectivities be obtained between auditory cortical regions? Neuroimage. 14: 1353-60 |