Kevin Wenzel

Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO, United States 
"Kevin Wenzel"
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Hammond CJ, Park G, Kady A, et al. (2021) Sex-based differences in psychiatric symptoms and opioid abstinence during buprenorphine/naloxone treatment in adolescents with opioid use disorders. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 108495
Wenzel KR, Weinstock J, McGrath AB. (2020) The Clinical Significance of Food Addiction. Journal of Addiction Medicine
Mulhauser K, Van Patten R, Merz Z, et al. (2016) B-51Differential Relationships Among Speeded Neuropsychological Test Performance and Facets of Impulsivity in Individuals with Substance Use Disorder Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 31: 632.2-632
Wenzel KR, Weinstock J, Vander Wal JS, et al. (2014) Examining the role of negative urgency in a predictive model of bulimic symptoms. Eating Behaviors. 15: 343-9
Brett EI, Weinstock J, Burton S, et al. (2014) Do the DSM-5 diagnostic revisions affect the psychometric properties of the Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen? International Gambling Studies. 14: 447-456
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