David C. Mohr

Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
"David Mohr"
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Kornfield R, Lattie EG, Nicholas J, et al. (2023) "Our Job is to be so Temporary": Designing Digital Tools that Meet the Needs of Care Managers and their Patients with Mental Health Concerns. Proceedings of the Acm On Human-Computer Interaction. 7
Meyerhoff J, Beltzer M, Popowski S, et al. (2023) Small Steps over time: A longitudinal usability test of an automated interactive text messaging intervention to support self-management of depression and anxiety symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders. 345: 122-130
Knapp AA, Cohen K, Nicholas J, et al. (2021) Integration of Digital Tools Into Community Mental Health Care Settings That Serve Young People: Focus Group Study. Jmir Mental Health. 8: e27379
Furukawa TA, Suganuma A, Ostinelli EG, et al. (2021) Dismantling, optimising, and personalising internet cognitive behavioural therapy for depression: a systematic review and component network meta-analysis using individual participant data. The Lancet. Psychiatry
Kornfield R, Zhang R, Nicholas J, et al. (2020) "Energy is a Finite Resource": Designing Technology to Support Individuals across Fluctuating Symptoms of Depression. Proceedings of the Sigchi Conference On Human Factors in Computing Systems. Chi Conference. 2020
Nicholas J, Knapp AA, Vergara JL, et al. (2020) An Exploratory Brief Head-To-Head Non-Inferiority Comparison of an Internet-Based and a Telephone-Delivered CBT Intervention for Adults with Depression. Journal of Affective Disorders
Katz DA, Wu C, Jaske E, et al. (2020) Care Practices to Promote Patient Engagement in VA Primary Care: Factors Associated With High Performance. Annals of Family Medicine. 18: 397-405
Swamy L, Mohr D, Blok A, et al. (2020) Impact of Workplace Climate on Burnout Among Critical Care Nurses in the Veterans Health Administration. American Journal of Critical Care : An Official Publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. 29: 380-389
Graham AK, Greene CJ, Powell T, et al. (2020) Lessons learned from service design of a trial of a digital mental health service: Informing implementation in primary care clinics. Translational Behavioral Medicine. 10: 598-605
Taylor CB, Ruzek JI, Fitzsimmons-Craft EE, et al. (2020) Using Digital Technology to Reduce the Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders in Populations: Time for a New Approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 22: e17493
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