Tatsuya Yoshizawa

Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
"Tatsuya Yoshizawa"
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Asaoka R, Kojima H, Yoshizawa T. (2022) Hemispheric asymmetry of chromatic motion perception. Vision Research. 196: 108027
Remijn GB, Yoshizawa T, Yano H. (2018) Streaming, Bouncing, and Rotation: The Polka Dance Stimulus. I-Perception. 9: 2041669518777259
Yoshizawa T, Uruno Y, Kawahara T. (2011) Effects of physical acceleration in the perception of induced self-motion by a real world display Journal of Vision. 11: 902-902
Michna ML, Mullen KT, Yoshizawa T. (2010) Temporal luminance artifacts in chromatic motion are specific to L/M cone systems Journal of Vision. 6: 237-237
Michna ML, Yoshizawa T, Mullen KT. (2007) S-cone contributions to linear and non-linear motion processing. Vision Research. 47: 1042-54
Mullen KT, Yoshizawa T, Baker CL. (2003) Luminance mechanisms mediate the motion of red-green isoluminant gratings: the role of "temporal chromatic aberration". Vision Research. 43: 1235-47
Yoshizawa T, Mullen KT, Baker CL. (2003) Failure of signed chromatic apparent motion with luminance masking. Vision Research. 43: 751-9
Yoshizawa T, Hawken MJ. (2002) Effects of luminance and isoluminant masking noise on second-order chromatic smooth motion Journal of Vision. 2: 370a
Yoshizawa T, Mullen KT, Baker CL. (2000) Absence of a chromatic linear motion mechanism in human vision. Vision Research. 40: 1993-2010
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