Min-Ki Kim

Biomedical Engineering Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Ulsan, South Korea 
"Min-Ki Kim"
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Sung-Phil Kim grad student 2016- UNIST
Jeong-woo Sohn post-doc 2021-
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Lee J, Kim M, Heo D, et al. (2024) A comprehensive dataset for home appliance control using ERP-based BCIs with the application of inter-subject transfer learning. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 18: 1320457
Kim MK, Sohn JW, Kim SP. (2021) Finding Kinematics-Driven Latent Neural States from Neuronal Population Activity for Motor Decoding. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering : a Publication of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Kim MK, Sohn JW, Kim SP. (2020) Decoding Kinematic Information From Primary Motor Cortex Ensemble Activities Using a Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 14: 509364
Kim K, Kim MK, Hwang M, et al. (2019) Online Home Appliance Control Using EEG-Based Brain–Computer Interfaces Electronics. 8
Kim S, Kim M, Hyun S, et al. (2019) Neural activities from the primary motor cortex while a monkey observes movements of a robot arm for use of neuroprosthetic Ibro Reports. 6: S288
Kim M, Chae S, Kim S, et al. (2019) Primary motor cortical neurons reflect visuomotor coordination during arm-reaching movements Ibro Reports. 6: S166
Sin D, Kim MK, Kim J, et al. (2018) Differences in the synchronization of alpha oscillations between anterior and posterior brain regions. Neuroscience Letters
Kim MK, Sohn JW, Lee B, et al. (2018) A simulation study on the effects of neuronal ensemble properties on decoding algorithms for intracortical brain-machine interfaces. Biomedical Engineering Online. 17: 28
Kim MK, Kim M, Oh E, et al. (2013) A review on the computational methods for emotional state estimation from the human EEG. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. 2013: 573734
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