Junsuk Kim

2011-2014 Industrial Systems Engineering Dong-Eui University 
"Junsuk Kim"
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Sihn D, Kim J, Kim SP. (2024) Meditation-type specific reduction in infra-slow activity of electroencephalogram. Biomedical Engineering Letters. 14: 823-831
Lee IS, Kang JH, Kim J. (2024) Auditory influence on stickiness perception: an fMRI study of multisensory integration. Neuroreport
Kim JH, Kim J, Yeon J, et al. (2021) Neural correlates of tactile hardness intensity perception during active grasping. Peerj. 9: e11760
Kang JH, Kim J, Cho YS, et al. (2021) Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Neural Dynamics in Theta Oscillations Related to the Inhibition of Habitual Behavior. Brain Sciences. 11
Yang T, Kim JH, Kim J, et al. (2021) Involvement of bilateral insula in brand extension evaluation: an fMRI study. Scientific Reports. 11: 3387
Kim J, Bülthoff I, Bülthoff HH. (2020) Cortical Representation of Tactile Stickiness Evoked by Skin Contact and Glove Contact. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 14: 19
So Y, Kim SP, Kim J. (2020) Perception of surface stickiness in different sensory modalities: an functional MRI study. Neuroreport
Lee H, Lee E, Jung J, et al. (2019) Surface Stickiness Perception by Auditory, Tactile, and Visual Cues. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 2135
Jung WM, Lee IS, Lee YS, et al. (2019) [EXPRESS] Decoding Spatial Location of Perceived Pain to Acupuncture Needle using Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis. Molecular Pain. 1744806919877060
Kim J, Bülthoff I, Kim SP, et al. (2019) Shared neural representations of tactile roughness intensities by somatosensation and touch observation using an associative learning method. Scientific Reports. 9: 77
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