Rashmi Gupta

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Simantika Roy research assistant 2017-2018
Shubham Pandey grad student IITB
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Pandey S, Gupta R. (2023) Author Correction: Irrelevant positive emotional information facilitates response inhibition only under a high perceptual load. Scientific Reports. 13: 7937
Pandey S, Gupta R. (2022) Implicit angry faces interfere with response inhibition and response adjustment. Cognition & Emotion. 1-17
Pandey S, Gupta R. (2022) Irrelevant angry faces impair response inhibition, and the go and stop processes share attentional resources. Scientific Reports. 12: 16962
Pandey S, Gupta R. (2022) Irrelevant positive emotional information facilitates response inhibition only under a high perceptual load. Scientific Reports. 12: 14591
Jacob J, Gupta R. (2022) Neuropsychological functions in a pediatric case of partial agenesis of the corpus callosum: Clinical implications. Applied Neuropsychology. Child. 1-12
Gupta R, Singh JP. (2020) Only irrelevant angry, but not happy, expressions facilitate the response inhibition. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Gupta R. (2019) Positive emotions have a unique capacity to capture attention. Progress in Brain Research. 247: 23-46
Pandey S, Gupta R. (2019) Book Review: The Influential Mind: What the Brain Reveals About Our Power to Change Others Frontiers in Psychology. 10
Plater L, Valecha A, Gupta R, et al. (2019) Smile and the world watches: Capture by happy gaze cues outside an attentional control set. Journal of Vision. 19: 217a
Gupta R, Raymond JE, Vuilleumier P. (2018) Priming by motivationally salient distractors produces hemispheric asymmetries in visual processing. Psychological Research
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