Matthieu Cord

"Matthieu Cord"
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Corbiere C, Thome N, Saporta A, et al. (2021) Confidence Estimation via Auxiliary Models. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Chen Y, Dapogny A, Cord M. (2020) SEMEDA: Enhancing Segmentation Precision with Semantic Edge Aware Loss Pattern Recognition. 108: 107557
Blot M, Picard D, Thome N, et al. (2019) Distributed optimization for deep learning with gossip exchange Neurocomputing. 330: 287-296
Mordan T, Thome N, Henaff G, et al. (2019) End-to-End Learning of Latent Deformable Part-Based Representations for Object Detection International Journal of Computer Vision. 127: 1659-1679
Durand T, Thome N, Cord M. (2018) SyMIL: MinMax Latent SVM for Weakly Labeled Data. Ieee Transactions On Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Durand T, Thome N, Cord M. (2018) Exploiting Negative Evidence for Deep Latent Structured Models. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Chevalier M, Thome N, Hénaff G, et al. (2018) Classifying low-resolution images by integrating privileged information in deep CNNs Pattern Recognition Letters. 116: 29-35
Wang X, Thome N, Cord M. (2017) Gaze latent support vector machine for image classification improved by weakly supervised region selection Pattern Recognition. 72: 59-71
Law MT, Thome N, Cord M. (2017) Learning a Distance Metric from Relative Comparisons between Quadruplets of Images International Journal of Computer Vision. 121: 65-94
Goh H, Thome N, Cord M, et al. (2014) Learning deep hierarchical visual feature coding. Ieee Transactions On Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 25: 2212-25
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