Kameron Decker Harris

Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, United States 
computational neuroscience and applied mathematics
"Kameron Harris"
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Pandey B, Pachitariu M, Brunton BW, et al. (2022) Structured random receptive fields enable informative sensory encodings. Plos Computational Biology. 18: e1010484
Hirsh SM, Harris KD, Kutz JN, et al. (2020) Centering Data Improves the Dynamic Mode Decomposition Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems. 19: 1920-1955
Bush NE, Baertsch N, Burgraff N, et al. (2020) Unraveling the Different Network States of the Respiratory Network Using Experimental and Computational Approaches. The Faseb Journal. 34: 1-1
Knox JE, Harris KD, Graddis N, et al. (2019) High-resolution data-driven model of the mouse connectome. Network Neuroscience (Cambridge, Mass.). 3: 217-236
Harris KD, Dashevskiy T, Mendoza J, et al. (2017) Different roles for inhibition in the rhythm-generating respiratory network. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00174.2017
Litwin-Kumar A, Harris KD, Axel R, et al. (2017) Optimal Degrees of Synaptic Connectivity. Neuron
Dodds PS, Harris KD, Danforth CM. (2013) Limited imitation contagion on random networks: chaos, universality, and unpredictability. Physical Review Letters. 110: 158701
Harris KD, Danforth CM, Dodds PS. (2013) Dynamical influence processes on networks: general theory and applications to social contagion. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 88: 022816
Harris KD, Ridouane EH, Hitt DL, et al. (2012) Predicting flow reversals in chaotic natural convection using data assimilation Tellus, Series a: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. 64
Bliss CA, Kloumann IM, Harris KD, et al. (2012) Twitter reciprocal reply networks exhibit assortativity with respect to happiness Journal of Computational Science. 3: 388-397
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