Ignacio Rebollo

Facultad de Psicología-UdelaR 
resting state
"Ignacio Rebollo"
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Alejandro Maiche Marini research assistant 2011-2013
Catherine Tallon-Baudry grad student 2013-2019
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Müller SJ, Teckentrup V, Rebollo I, et al. (2022) Vagus nerve stimulation increases stomach-brain coupling via a vagal afferent pathway. Brain Stimulation. 15: 1279-1289
Rebollo I, Tallon-Baudry C. (2022) The sensory and motor components of the cortical hierarchy are coupled to the rhythm of the stomach during rest. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Wolpert N, Rebollo I, Tallon-Baudry C. (2020) Electrogastrography for psychophysiological research: Practical considerations, analysis pipeline, and normative data in a large sample. Psychophysiology
Azzalini D, Rebollo I, Tallon-Baudry C. (2019) Visceral Signals Shape Brain Dynamics and Cognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Rebollo I, Devauchelle AD, Béranger B, et al. (2018) Stomach-brain synchrony reveals a novel, delayed-connectivity resting-state network in humans. Elife. 7
Rebollo I, Devauchelle A, Béranger B, et al. (2018) Author response: Stomach-brain synchrony reveals a novel, delayed-connectivity resting-state network in humans Elife
Campana F, Rebollo I, Urai A, et al. (2016) Conscious Vision Proceeds from Global to Local Content in Goal-Directed Tasks and Spontaneous Vision. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 36: 5200-13
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