Emily Dolson, Ph.D.

Computer Science & Engineering Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
"Emily Dolson"
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Charles Ofria grad student 2019 Michigan State (Evolution Tree)


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Ankit Gupta grad student 2023- Michigan State (Physics Tree)
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Baum DA, Peng Z, Dolson E, et al. (2023) The ecology-evolution continuum and the origin of life. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 20: 20230346
Lalejini A, Dolson E, Vostinar AE, et al. (2022) Artificial selection methods from evolutionary computing show promise for directed evolution of microbes. Elife. 11
Dolson E, Lalejini A, Jorgensen S, et al. (2020) Interpreting the Tape of Life: Ancestry-Based Analyses Provide Insights and Intuition about Evolutionary Dynamics. Artificial Life. 1-22
Iram S, Dolson E, Chiel J, et al. (2020) Controlling the speed and trajectory of evolution with counterdiabatic driving Nature Physics. 1-8
Dolson EL, Vostinar AE, Wiser MJ, et al. (2019) The MODES Toolbox: Measurements of Open-Ended Dynamics in Evolving Systems. Artificial Life. 25: 50-73
Taylor T, Bedau M, Channon A, et al. (2016) Open-Ended Evolution: Perspectives from the OEE Workshop in York. Artificial Life. 408-423
Ofria C, Wiser M, Dolson E. (2016) The Effects of Evolution and Spatial Structure on Diversity in Biological Reserves Artificial Life. 434-441
Ofria C, Grabowski L, Nahum J, et al. (2016) The Prisoners Dilemma, Memory, and the Early Evolution of Intelligence Artificial Life. 408-415
Dolson E, Vostinar A, Ofria C. (2015) What’s holding artificial life back from open-ended evolution? The Winnower
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