Sabrina Pieper

Medical Physics Oldenburg University 
"Sabrina Pieper"
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Pieper SH, Hamze N, Brill S, et al. (2022) Considerations for Fitting Cochlear Implants Bimodally and to the Single-Sided Deaf. Trends in Hearing. 26: 23312165221108259
Herrmann DP, Kretzer KVA, Pieper SH, et al. (2021) Effects of electrical pulse polarity shape on intra cochlear neural responses in humans: Triphasic pulses with anodic and cathodic second phase. Hearing Research. 412: 108375
Pieper SH, Brill S, Bahmer A. (2020) Loudness Perception and Dynamic Range Depending on Interphase Gaps of Biphasic Pulses in Cochlear Implants. Ear and Hearing. 41: 1251-1257
Pieper SH, Bahmer A. (2019) Rate pitch discrimination in cochlear implant users with the use of double pulses and different interpulse intervals. Cochlear Implants International. 20: 312-323
Bahmer A, Pieper S, Baumann U. (2018) Evaluation of an artifact reduction strategy for electrically evoked auditory steady-state responses: Simulations and measurements. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 296: 57-68
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