Ekasit Sonpho

Mahidol University, Tambon Salaya, Chang Wat Nakhon Pathom, Thailand 
"Ekasit Sonpho"
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Kiyokazu Agata grad student (DevTree)
Puey Ounjai grad student
Alejandro Sanchez Alvarado grad student
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Sonpho E, Mann FG, Levy M, et al. (2021) Decellularization enables functional analysis of ECM remodeling in planarian regeneration. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : McP. 100137
Sonpho E, Wootthichairangsan C, Ishida M, et al. (2020) ECM-Body: A Cell-Free 3D Biomimetic Scaffold Derived from Intact Planarian Body. Zoological Science. 37: 307-313
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