Grant E. Haines, PhD

McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
functional morphology, contemporary evolution
"Grant Haines"
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Sarah Laurie Sanderson grad student 2015-2017 William and Mary
Andrew P. Hendry grad student 2017-2022 McGill (Evolution Tree)
Bjarni K. Kristjansson post-doc 2023- Hólar University (Evolution Tree)
Camille A. Leblanc post-doc 2023- Hólar University (Evolution Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Hendry AP, Barrett RDH, Bell AM, et al. (2024) Designing eco-evolutionary experiments for restoration projects: Opportunities and constraints revealed during stickleback introductions. Ecology and Evolution. 14: e11503
Haines GE, Moisan L, Derry AM, et al. (2023) Corrigendum. The American Naturalist. 203: 147-159
Sanderson S, Astorg L, Haines GE, et al. (2023) Freshwater fishes maintain multi-trait phenotypic stability across an environmental gradient in aqueous calcium. Journal of Fish Biology
Haines GE, Moisan L, Derry AM, et al. (2022) Dimensionality and Modularity of Adaptive Variation: Divergence in Threespine Stickleback from Diverse Environments. The American Naturalist. 201: 175-199
Sanderson S, Beausoleil MO, O'Dea RE, et al. (2021) The pace of modern life, revisited. Molecular Ecology
Haines GE, Stuart YE, Hanson D, et al. (2020) Adding the third dimension to studies of parallel evolution of morphology and function: An exploration based on parapatric lake-stream stickleback. Ecology and Evolution. 10: 13297-13311
Haines GE, Stuart YE, Hanson D, et al. (2020) Adding the third dimension to studies of parallel evolution of morphology and function: An exploration based on parapatric lake-stream stickleback. Ecology and Evolution. 10: 13297-13311
Brooks H, Haines GE, Lin MC, et al. (2018) Physical modeling of vortical cross-step flow in the American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula. Plos One. 13: e0193874
Brooks H, Haines GE, Lin MC, et al. (2018) Physical modeling of vortical cross-step flow in the American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula. Plos One. 13: e0193874
Haines GE, Sanderson SL. (2017) Integration of swimming kinematics and ram suspension feeding in a model American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula. The Journal of Experimental Biology
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