Lieven A. Schenk
Affiliations: | Pain and Translational Symptom Science | University of Maryland School of Nursing |
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Schenk LA, Fadai T, Büchel C. (2024) How side effects can improve treatment efficacy: a randomized trial. Brain : a Journal of Neurology |
Colloca L, Akintola T, Haycock NR, et al. (2020) Prior Therapeutic Experiences, Not Expectation Ratings, Predict Placebo Effects: An Experimental Study in Chronic Pain and Healthy Participants. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 1-8 |
Schenk LA, Colloca L. (2020) The neural processes of acquiring placebo effects through observation. Neuroimage. 209: 116510 |
Raghuraman N, Wang Y, Schenk LA, et al. (2019) Neural and behavioral changes driven by observationally-induced hypoalgesia. Scientific Reports. 9: 19760 |
Colloca L, Schenk LA, Nathan DE, et al. (2019) When therapeutic expectancies are violated: An fMRI study. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics |
Schenk LA, Krimmel SR, Colloca L. (2017) Observe to get pain relief: current evidence and potential mechanisms of socially learned pain modulation. Pain. 158: 2077-2081 |
Schenk LA, Sprenger C, Onat S, et al. (2017) Suppression of striatal prediction errors by the prefrontal cortex in placebo hypoalgesia. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience |
Colagiuri B, Schenk LA, Kessler MD, et al. (2015) The placebo effect: From concepts to genes. Neuroscience. 307: 171-90 |
Schenk LA, Sprenger C, Geuter S, et al. (2014) Expectation requires treatment to boost pain relief: an fMRI study. Pain. 155: 150-7 |