James Robert Dunbier, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | School of Medical Sciences | The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia |
visual system, insect visual processingGoogle:
"James Dunbier"Mean distance: 16.71 (cluster 39) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorDavid Charles O'Carroll | grad student | 2009-2014 | The University of Adelaide | (davidoc) Delete Edit |
Steven D. Wiederman | grad student | 2009-2014 | The University of Adelaide | (davidoc) Delete Edit |
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Fabian JM, Dunbier JR, O'Carroll DC, et al. (2019) Properties of predictive gain modulation in a dragonfly visual neuron. The Journal of Experimental Biology |
Wiederman SD, Fabian JM, Dunbier JR, et al. (2017) A predictive focus of gain modulation encodes target trajectories in insect vision. Elife. 6 |
Wiederman SD, Fabian JM, Dunbier JR, et al. (2017) Author response: A predictive focus of gain modulation encodes target trajectories in insect vision Elife |
Dunbier JR, Wiederman SD, Shoemaker PA, et al. (2012) Facilitation of dragonfly target-detecting neurons by slow moving features on continuous paths. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 6: 79 |
Dunbier JR, Wiederman SD, Shoemaker PA, et al. (2011) Modelling the temporal response properties of an insect small target motion detector Proceedings of the 2011 7th International Conference On Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, Issnip 2011. 125-130 |
Wiederman SD, Dunbier JR, O'Carroll DC. (2011) Modeling inhibitory interactions shaping neural responses of target neurons to multiple features Proceedings of the 2011 7th International Conference On Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, Issnip 2011. 73-78 |