Rajani Raman

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Vlaanderen, Belgium 
Visual system, Computational Neuroscience
"Rajani Raman"
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Raman R, Bognár A, Nejad GG, et al. (2023) Bodies in motion: Unraveling the distinct roles of motion and shape in dynamic body responses in the temporal cortex. Cell Reports. 42: 113438
Li B, Solanas MP, Marrazzo G, et al. (2022) A large-scale brain network of species-specific dynamic human body perception. Progress in Neurobiology. 221: 102398
Zafirova Y, Cui D, Raman R, et al. (2022) Keep the head in the right place: Face-body interactions in inferior temporal cortex. Neuroimage. 264: 119676
Esmailpour H, Raman R, Vogels R. (2022) Inferior temporal cortex leads prefrontal cortex in response to a violation of a learned sequence. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Murris SR, Arsenault JT, Raman R, et al. (2021) Electrical stimulation of the macaque ventral tegmental area drives category-selective learning without attention. Neuron
Raman R, Hosoya H. (2020) Convolutional neural networks explain tuning properties of anterior, but not middle, face-processing areas in macaque inferotemporal cortex. Communications Biology. 3: 221
Raman R, Sarkar S. (2016) Predictive Coding: A Possible Explanation of Filling-In at the Blind Spot. Plos One. 11: e0151194
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