Rodney McNeal

Clinical Child Psychology University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States 
"Rodney McNeal"
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McNeal R, Handwerk ML, Field CE, et al. (2006) Hope as an outcome variable among youths in a residential care setting. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 76: 304-11
McNeal RE, Roberts MC, Barone VJ. (2000) Mothers' and children's perceptions of medication for children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 30: 173-87
DePaola LM, Roberts MC, Blaiss MS, et al. (1997) Mothers' and Children's Perceptions of Asthma Medication Children's Health Care. 26: 265-283
Roberts MC, McNeal RE, Randall CJ, et al. (1996) A necessary reemphasis on integrating explicative research with the pragmatics of pediatric psychology. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 21: 107-14
Cole KL, Roberts MC, McNeal RE. (1996) Children's Perceptions of Ill Peers: Effects of Disease, Grade, and Impact Variables Children's Health Care. 25: 107-115
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